User:Robbie McClintock/design

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Our development goals for MediaWiki

We have clearly begun our project having made certain basic determinations that we imply through its statement of purpose: {apts}} provides free, unencumbered, comprehensive resources to persons seeking self-formation and liberal learning in the digital commons. Let's make those determinations more explicit by briefly assessing how well open-source affordances available through other projects can serve the purposes of A Place to Study. Then we can identify further affordances we will need develop for the project to enable it flourish. As a result, we will have a clearer sense of what differentiates A Place to Study within the cultural ecology of the Internet.

We have chosen to develop A Place to Study using MediaWiki, which powers Wikipedia and its related projects, as well as the great majority of open-sourc wiki projects on the Internet. MediaWiki works well with a small installation like the current A Place to Study. It has unmatched potential for our scaling up the scope of our content and increasing our number of users. It will have high-quality, long-term support through many decades

  • Research and clearly state how A Place to Study differs from more established projects using MediaWiki.
  • And not MediaWiki.
    • The School of Life
    • LocalWiki
  • Research and clearly state how A Place to Study differs from massive social software
(See Content_translation for an article on resources for translating Wikipedia content.)