User talk:Vik Joshi

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--Vik Joshi (talk) 15:11, 28 March 2023 (UTC)

March 26th, 2023

(1)  Design Research: a.    Building a prototype through this process for participants (sustainable) b.    Moving away from short-term worries about participant feedback based on old model of APTS ‘clusters’ experimenting on aspects of A Place to Study c.    This is suggestive of a holistic approach – viewing the Place as a whole rather than “spot-fixing” aspects of it.

(2)  Three pathways to move forward for A Place to Study:

a.    Technical Pathway: Migration from Canasta 1.2 to 1.3. b.    Focus on Tools: Curating the Digital Commons to strengthen capacities for creative self-direction. c.     Understanding a person's encounters with their lifeworld (after the first two pathways are underway).

(3)  Shift from Wikipedia model to Freeware model (installation on any person’s device for their own study – this is an example of true Formative Justice (McClintock, 2019):

--Vik Joshi (talk) 14:30, 14 March 2023 (UTC)

(1) Sphere of Consciousness:

Robbie reflected on spending an extensive amount of time near a University in New York City, and how this affected his lifeworld. Some of the questions we may ask is:

- How do we 'encounter' our peers' views?

- What are the ways we learn about our fellow peers?

- Why ought we to learn about our peers?

(2) Great Decisions Program (Example):

- Great Decisions is America's largest discussion program on world affairs.

- The 'decision' component around this program is universally applicable.

- The Foreign Policy Association has three core values: inform, engage, and inspire.

- What are the reference points that supports a person making a decision?

(3) Renaissance Man (Film) [A Reflection on Decision-Making]:

- A failed advertising executive takes up a job of teaching literature to army personnel.

- The foibles and the potentialities of the decision-making process are represented in film.

- How these processes are in fact presented, and what we can possibly learn about the presentation of self by the Place (Site)?

- What does it mean for the Place (Site) to be consistent with itself?

- How to present thinking about decisions without getting lost in the forest of particulars?

(4) Navigation as both a metaphor and an experience with a Place:

- As an experience, how does a person come into contact with the Place?

- As a metaphor, what does it mean for a person to explore within, around, and through the Place?

(5) The Homo Economicus Problem:

- Homo economicus is a theoretical abstraction that some economists use to describe a rational human being.

- In certain neoclassical economic theories, people are portrayed this way: as ideal decision-makers with complete rationality, perfect access to information, and consistent, self-interested goals.

- Modern behavioral economists and those who study neuroeconomics, however, have demonstrated that human beings are, in fact, not rational in their decision-making.

(6) The use of audio on the landing page:

- How may we explore a script that will support the opening of a place of inquiry (in the mind) that will subdue the practical and transactional rationality (i.e., instrumental rationality) to step back and see the larger landscape of the Place?

- What does it mean to provide an initial point of reference for visitors to the Place?

- The verb 'Search' is misleading with 'Search' engines. The idea of retrieval is not about 'knowing,' it is about picking up.

- Knowing involves building, engaging, doing with your mind, body, heart (as an integral whole), not compartmentalised.

(7) Search Engines do not tell Stories:

- As an observer or participant in the web, it is easy simply accept organised information as a 'claim' or 'answer,' without there being any story that takes one from question to everything that comes after (not necessarily an answer).

- How will we bring a story to the Place such that it is helpfully disruptive of the typical habits with which persons interact with the internet/online/persons/everything!

- Stories encourage disorientation; Search and Retrieval method wishes to fill the epistemic gaps of any question, while a story helps a person generate, not find, an answer or insight.

"To begin, begin; we have begun before we begin!"

--Vik Joshi (talk) 16:25, 14 February 2023 (UTC)

(1) Vermont Library Association and Joint Vermont School Library Associations:

- Tucker obtained an invitation to this forum/conference. It is on April 1st. 2023. This emerged from Tucker's conversation with the library. Tucker will be going beyond the Warren Library (which primarily caters to small children; engage in educational activities for kids) to the Jocelyn Memorial Library (a regional library). - Vermont's Library Association has 300 libraries across the state. One of our exploratory considerations is how we could integrate into this as part of our building a Commons.

(2) What pre-existing ways to tap into Lifeworld already exist?

- Analogy: Polling outside a supermarket is used as a site for the engagement of a range of populations.

(3) Do not reduce Study to mirroring a student's experience; from our side, the principal activities will aim to curate the digital resources.

- One strategy is to create a dynamic signage/sign-posting system for participants.

(4) Robbie invoked the Michelin Guide:

- They originated (and still work) as an object in the glove compartment of a car of every single person in French. - The Michelin Guide is informative without being instructive. - Lonely Planet concentrates visitors into one place.

(5) Engaging in one's life-world has already begun, before they begin in this Commons:

- Tucker highlighted this key point when thinking about what participants are doing. - Robbie would like

(6) How do people pool their efforts to make sense of it (in a self-activating and self-correcting way):

- Our goals are: a) Curation b) Framework offering c) Not course-creation (we do not want to determine the pathways of participants)

(7) Moving away from the language and baggage of 'commenting':

- The culture of commenting is reactionary and the nature of comments is ephemeral/fleeting in terms of the thought/intention.

(8) Self-Authoring (Prompts as Catalysts) + Decision-making Processes for Self-Authoring:

- What would it mean for us to bring folks to the threshold energy for activity? - Biographical Intentions (as we self-author, how do we make decisions about how we value what we do, and why do we value such and such...) [Excellent questions.] - Each person is a location, then they have decisions to make about their personal presence in their world.